
Friday, September 30, 2005

The Most Simple Creatures Can Be The Most Complex

Social insect behavior such as is found in ant colonies serves as a powerful model to generate advanced algorithms in solutions to highly complex optimization problems. Some types or areas where this has been attempted with success include applications involving:

  • Sequential ordering problem
  • Parallel implementations
  • Quadratic assignment problem
  • Vehicle routing problem
  • Symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesman problem
  • Scheduling problems
  • Graph coloring problem
  • Partitioning problems
  • Telecommunications nets

Some of these solutions involve:

  • emergent behaviors
  • automata
  • collaborative elements

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Universal Translator Automated

The search is on by several groups in gov and academia to develop automated equipment that will perform on the fly two-way (bidirectional) language translations using speech recognition, speech synthesis, and other software (insert miracle here) . We may be a long way from something like "Star Trek" but at least for limited language families, we may soon be able to understand each other a little better.

Monday, September 26, 2005

INTROSPECTION - Descarte Say What

Sentience or the knowledge of self is the primary prerequisite for intelligent life. The knowledge that one’s mind or person is composed of several parts that perform many kinds of operations on various types of materials is essential for intelligent life to have and maintain mental health. Intelligent people will not achieve their maximum potential or experience the fullness of human existence, unless they are conscious of the multifaceted nature of their persons.

Intelligent people can expand their sentience and become more comfortable with who they are, by understanding certain principles, having the right attitudes, and using several techniques. Once people learn to identify and observe the interactions that are continually occurring within their person, they will begin to understand and appreciate who they are more fully, and consequently, achieve greater mental health.

“I think, therefore I am”

The capacity to observe and question ones self determines the degree of mental health one achieves and maintains and is essential for personal growth.