
Friday, November 24, 2006

Open search indices, Google's Achilles heal?

Open public indices for search , if expanded, could be the start of open-source-like alternatives to Google's global search dominance. With the success of collaborative open web 2.0 phenomena like Wikipedia, can much of the internet content itself be catalogued by public minded groups and individuals so that search might again be an area for innovation and experimentation? Many groups have discussed this topic but attempts at something real have been few and far between.
Could mammoth indexing tasks like the continual web crawling conducted by Google's bots, be accomplished in a distributed manner like peer-to-peer networks or systems that employ approaches like that used by BitTorrent?

Monday, November 20, 2006


ProgenitorCE tool has helped me find relationships among concepts in software engineering such as those related to algorithms and many areas in biology. Specifically, insect behaviors and potential heuristics for optimization category problems.
The study of ant colony behavior has been studied for years in connection with such problems as path optimization but many other similar connections between entomology and computer science exist.