
Saturday, November 26, 2005

Techno Posse

Imagine micro robots the size of ants. Now imagine that these robots can perform repeated simple DNA match test between a sample they carry and samples that they collect from their environment. Imagine that these Micro Laboratory Robots (MLR) can be manufactured cheaply.

Build a swarm of MLRs numbering in the tens of thousands and give them the ability to communicate with one another and a central "colony" host. Let them internally manufacture a compound from some readily available material in most environments and infuse it with nanotech driven signal devices. Let them "mark" the paths they travel with aforementioned compound and let the MLRs be able to detect the compound left by other MLRs.

Release the MLR swarm into a city where the perpetrator of some infamous crime is thought to be located and give them a DNA sample from said perpetrator. You get the idea.

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